Ways to Give

We believe God is the ultimate Giver. Jesus taught, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). When we give, we reflect God’s nature and character. Scroll down to see the different ways to give, or click the link to give online now!

In person / by mail

As always, you can simply write a check or send cash. Due to COVID restrictions, there will be boxes at the back of the auditorium for your gifts.

Mail to 1705 6th Ave Sterling, IL 61081

Give online

Simple, secure, and even automated. You can
set up a one-time gift or a recurring one.


Text any dollar amount to 84321 to give. You’ll follow a quick, self-guided setup process. After that, donating is as easy as sending a text.

Text 84321

Deacons’ Fund

This is our general assistance fund for members of the church and community who need a little help to get to their next paycheck. If your or anyone you know is in need of assistance, please contact the church office.

The Vibe After School Club

The Vibe is an after school club for students who attend Challand Middle School. This is a safe place for students to come once a week to play games, do homework, have snacks, and make positive connections with adults who care about them. The club is free for students to attend, so we depend on donations to supply snacks, games, etc.

Questions about giving?

Let us give you a little more information