The Vibe After School Club
In partnership with Bethel Reformed Church, the Ogle County Health Department, and various other organizations, The Vibe is an after school club for Challand Middle School students that seeks to provide a safe place for students to connect with positive adult influences. It meets weekly on Thursdays after school. All of our volunteers are background checked and have a desire to serve students well.
This year, in addition to snacks and games, we’ll be developing coping skills for great mental health. One of the main skills will be cultivating micrograins through hydroponics so that students can take ownership of getting the nutrients their brains need to be kind to themselves.
For Students
If you or your child is a student that attends Challand Middle School and is interested in attending The Vibe, click the link below to sign up!
Thank you for your interest! We can always use more volunteers! All volunteers must submit to a background check before attending.
Share a life skill!
Do you have a life skill you’d like to share? Teach kids the skills they need to know. Examples could be budgeting, healthy food habits, sewing, cooking, time management, basic home repair, basic first aid, etc.